Mailing Address

2120 S. Reserve St. #401
Missoula MT 59801







Functional Medicine Consults

Carla limits her part-time practice to those areas for which she has the most passion and experience.

Virtual Consults

Convenient online visits and phone consults.

In-home Visits

Visits in your own home are available when needed.


When you really want fast results that stick, coaching works.


Cognitive Health

My protocols are designed to prevent, and even reverse (in some situations), cognitive decline through a whole-body, functional medicine approach informed by current research, in particular, the Bredesen ReCode Protocol.

It’s never too early to start

It’s a lot easier to keep the horse in the barn than to get it back in the barn once it’s out. The same can be said for dementia. Don’t put your head in the sand or let your family members do so. We are all at risk for cognitive problems as we age. Addressing your risk seriously in your 40s is appropriate. We certainly see patients reverse early signs of cognitive decline, but the more severe the situation is, the lower the chance for success.


If you’re serious about addressing cognitive health and preventing dementia, you’ll be addressing almost every facet of your lifestyle. What you eat, the quality/quantity of your sleep, how to optimize your exercise, exploring toxin exposures, reducing excessive stressors, customizing supplements and much more.

You’ll be surprised at the improvements you’ll notice. And feel more secure knowing you’re making a difference for your future.

Long Covid/PASC

Long Covid, or  postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) as it’s known formally, is a life changing consequence of Covid infection.  A myriad of symptoms are common in those with the syndrome and certain phenotypes are emerging. Symptoms frustratingly evolve, morph and shape shift over time.

Not enough research yet, but there are treatments that can work for certain phenotypes

Despite there being a disappointing lack of helpful research, we are learning more each day. Certain theories are strengthened by emerging evidence on microclots, mast cell activation, viral reservoirs, and autoimmune antibodies. We also have patient driven data on what is working to ameliorate symptoms. Given the urgent need to treat, Carla offers evaluation, treatment recommendations and referrals as needed for long covid.

It’s personal

Carla has experienced Long Covid herself. She gets it. Fortunately, after four years of symptoms, she has seen significant improvement with particular strategies and therapeutics. Call today to see if Carla can help you find improvement too.

Mast Cell Activation/POTS

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a disorder where certain immune cells called mast cells activate inappropriately and release mediators and cytokines which have effects on varied organ systems and trigger what can be a multitude of symptoms. Patterns of symptoms vary from person to person but may be allergy-like, cause gut or heart issues, and more. Diagnosis involves a thorough evaluation of symptoms and often requires specialized testing or empiric treatment trials. Treatment aims to reduce symptoms and triggers, often through medications and lifestyle changes. 

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system which results in a rapid heart rate when standing along with many additional possible symptom patterns. Medications, vagal training, and other therapies are helpful. 

POTS and MCAS often occur simultaneously.


Neither of these syndromes are considered curable at this time but it is not uncommon to see resolution of symptoms over time for some. We offer appropriate evaluation and cutting edge treatment recommendations.

Gut Issues

Bloating, stool variability, IBS and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth are VERY common and yet traditional providers rarely offer any actual help to manage symptoms or treat the root cause.

Carla takes a careful history, may offer specialized testing, and has an excellent track record of guiding her patients with gut issues to relief.


Diagnostic tests may include specialized stool tests like the GI Map or the GI Effects panel. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth can often be diagnosed with breath testing as can lactose intolerance.


Treatments will vary from one person to another but the toolbox includes medications, herbal and other supplements, diet changes, and vagal nerve work.

Diabetes Prevention/Reversal

Blood glucose levels are higher on average than they were 50 years ago – likely due to many factors. Plus, the older we get, the higher our own levels drift upwards. 

Waiting until you are officially diagnosed with diabetes is not a good approach for those who are hoping for a vital life after age 50. Addressing glucose levels that are outside the optimal range as early as possible is necessary to prevent changes that will lead to flipping the switch that inevitably leads to diabetes later. That switch is flipped BEFORE you are diagnosed.

Can Diabetes Really be Reversed?

Experts argue about the semantics of this question and we aren’t quite there yet on some of the research. But for the lay person, yes- diabetes (type 2) can be reversed. Perhaps a better way of putting it is you can achieve remission.  It takes attention to what you eat and your activity levels along with some helpful supplements and investigation into inflammatory contributors- but it can be done! However, if you don’t keep up the measures that helped you reverse it, you’ll most likely slide back into the diabetic range.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment option that can positively impact the lives of individuals experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, particularly during menopause. HRT involves supplementing the body with hormones like estrogen and progesterone to alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

For men, low testosterone, or hypogonadism, can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, reduced muscle mass, decreased libido, and mood changes. 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can effectively alleviate these symptoms and restore testosterone levels to a healthy range, leading to increased energy, improved muscle strength, enhanced libido, and a better overall sense of well-being.

Both HRT and TRT are effective in managing these symptoms and also offer additional benefits such as improved bone health/reduced risk of fractures, help maintaining cognitive function, lowering cardiovascular risk, and improving overall quality of life.

With proper monitoring and supervision by a healthcare provider, HRT and TRT can be a safe and effective treatment option for those experiencing the symptoms of hormone deficiency.

But are hormones REALLY safe to use?

Carla will evaluate your individual risks in relation to HRT or TRT, but the research on these therapies have shown them to generally be quite safe when used prudently. More and more experts are now recognizing that the medical establishment’s villification of hormones over the last 22 years has led to worse health outcomes- particularly for menopausal women.


High cholesterol and high blood pressure are clear risk factors for heart disease and strokes. Both can be addressed through targeted diet therapies, judicious supplement use, and lifestyle adjustments. Medications may still be needed but you’ll know you’re doing all you can to address the root causes.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (also known as cardio-metabolic syndrome) is a group of metabolic dysfunctions that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and kidney problems.  

The classic picture is someone who is apple shaped, has high triglycerides, low HDL (so called good cholesterol), rising blood pressure and rising blood sugar. But not everyone is apple shaped or has everyone of these signs.

Inflammation and Insulin Resistance

Inflammation and insulin resistance are highly correlated with metabolic syndrome. These issues perpetuate weight gain and the shift in metabolic markers that increase one’s risk. Looking at the whole picture and getting to the root cause is the best way to address this common problem – not just throwing medication at each component of the whole.

Preventive Consults, Weight loss & More

“Preventive visits” in the current traditional medical system often feel like a waste of time almost. Yes, you’ll have some standard recommendations for screening tests based on your age and gender. But, there is no individualized evaluation and no detailed discussion about what you can do to prevent chronic disease. They often tell you not to worry if you’re results are borderline and to just ‘watch your diet’ or something vague. You deserve more than this lazy, cookie-cutter approach.

Preventive Consults from a Functional Medicine approach

A better approach is to address your current bio-marker trends- are they optimal or heading towards diabetes, liver dysfunction, cognitive decline, etc. Carla’s goal is to provide you with a roadmap you can follow to address whatever concerning trends we might find on evaluation and turn those around. 

Optimizing your Weight

Almost everyone wants to lose a little bit of weight. But more importantly, we want to achieve a healthy body composition by reducing fat mass and increasing lean/muscle mass. 

Carla offers online programs, group programs and individual consults to help you achieve your goals and to maintain what you’ve achieved over the long term.

Important Patient Information

New Patients

New patients should use the request appointment link to provide contact information and a summary of what they would like to consult on. Carla will get back to you within 2 business days regarding scheduling.

Established Patients

Established patients should use the patient portal to request appointments or leave a voicemail at 406.543.5444

Home Visits

Carla does not maintain a physical office. For patients local to the Missoula area, home visits are available when needed.


Carla does not handle emergencies or ongoing primary care issues. Contact your primary care office or utilize an urgent care or emergency department for emergencies.


Cancellations requested less than 24 hours from appointment start time will be charged a $50 fee.  

Insurance and Fees

Many commercial insurances are accepted including Blue Cross and Pacific Source. Carla is not in network for Medicare and her services cannot be billed to Medicare. Reasonable private pay rates are availble.